Before proceeding ensure you have quick start empty or quick start i18n up and running. We will use the following names for installation:
- master - a user used for installation, owner of corresponding deployment directories.
- deby32 - a name of machine with clean debian stable.
It is handy to setup password less ssh login, su without asking password and sudo for user who run installation/update:apt-get install sudo adduser master sudo echo 'master ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoersInstall fabric to your development environment:
env/bin/easy_install fabric
Install debian packages:
env/bin/fab -H deby32 debian
The default fabric file uses mercurial to determine current project version. Just in case here is a typical .hgignore file:syntax: glob build/ dist/ doc/_build env/ src/*.egg-info/ *.mo *.pyc *.pyo *~ .DS_Store .cache .coverageso let's add it to hg repository.
hg init hg add hg ci -m "Initial project structure."Open etc/config.ini file and change encryption-key, ticket-salt and validation-key (don't forget to commit your changes). Create distributive archive:
make clean release ls -lh dist/Provide one time installation and configuration:
env/bin/fab -u master -H deby32 install configTry navigate to the host with browser.
Here are commands necessary to update your application:make clean release env/bin/fab -H deby32 update reload
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