Saturday, August 29, 2020

Wheezy Projects Update

All libraries related wheezy.web and wheezy.template have been recently migrated from bitbucket to github.

Saturday, August 1, 2020


Call ASGI Python application module from command line (without an application server), just like CURL. Interested?

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Authorization in Microservices Landscape


This article outlines a high-level design of authentication and authorization options in Azure per a typical SPA use case interacting with multiple microservices. Compares API gateway pattern versus a direct client-to-API communication in microservices environment.

Use Case

A user should be able to request the following information:
  1. User profile via Azure Graph API.
  2. User documents via SharePoint Online API.
  3. Aggregated data from two other internal systems.
            +-> | Azure Graph API      |
            |   +----------------------+
+---------+ |   +----------------------+
| browser |-+-> | Azure SharePoint API |
+---------+ |   +----------------------+
            |   +----------------------+     +--------+
            +-> | App API              |---> | API #1 |
                +----------------------+     +--------+
  +---------------------------+       |      +--------+
  |Microsoft Identity Platform|       +----> | API #2 |
  +---------------------------+              +--------+