Wednesday, January 16, 2013

wheezy web: Quick Start i18n Project

wheezy.web is a lightweight, high performance, high concurrency WSGI web framework with the key features to build modern, efficient web. Here we will use an i18n (multilingual internationalization) project quick start to build a new project.
  1. Download and extract.
  2. Rename extracted directory `quickstart-i18n` to meet your project name, e.g. mysite and open terminal in that directory.
The i18n project quick start comes with Makefile with several handy targets. Setup development environment:
make env
Internationalization is built using gettext, thus you need extract gettext messages and compile `*.po` files that you can find in i18n directory.
make po
Let run test, look at coverage and finally benchmark tests:
$ make test nose-cover benchmark
Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
public                   3      0   100%   
public.web               0      0   100%   
public.web.profile       5      0   100%   
public.web.urls         10      0   100%   
public.web.views        26      0   100%   
TOTAL                   44      0   100%   
Ran 10 tests in 0.458s

public: 5 x 1000
baseline throughput change target
  100.0%    5303rps  +0.0% test_root
   94.4%    5005rps  -5.6% test_home
   98.2%    5206rps  -1.8% test_error_400
   99.2%    5258rps  -0.8% test_error_403
   97.9%    5191rps  -2.1% test_error_404
static: 3 x 1000
baseline throughput change target
  100.0%    5172rps  +0.0% test_static_files
   47.4%    2453rps -52.6% test_static_file_not_found
   52.5%    2715rps -47.5% test_static_file_forbidden
Ran 2 tests in 2.286s

The tests are passed let run it in web browser:
$ make run
Visit http://localhost:8080/
Alternatively you can run it using uwsgi
env/bin/easy_install uwsgi
make uwsgi

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

wheezy web: Quick Start Empty Project

wheezy.web is a lightweight, high performance, high concurrency WSGI web framework with the key features to build modern, efficient web. Here we will use an empty project quick start to build a new project.
  1. Download and extract.
  2. Rename extracted directory `quickstart-empty` to meet your project name, e.g. mysite and open terminal in that directory.
The empty project quick start comes with Makefile with several handy targets. Setup development environment:
make env
Let run test, look at coverage and finally benchmark tests:
$ make test nose-cover benchmark
Name                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
public                   3      0   100%   
public.web               0      0   100%   
public.web.profile       5      0   100%   
public.web.urls         10      0   100%   
public.web.views        20      0   100%   
TOTAL                   38      0   100%   
Ran 10 tests in 0.423s

public: 5 x 1000
baseline throughput change target
  100.0%    5041rps  +0.0% test_root
   81.3%    4097rps -18.7% test_home
   99.4%    5008rps  -0.6% test_error_400
  100.3%    5055rps  +0.3% test_error_403
   98.7%    4975rps  -1.3% test_error_404
static: 3 x 1000
baseline throughput change target
  100.0%    4846rps  +0.0% test_static_files
   49.8%    2415rps -50.2% test_static_file_not_found
   55.0%    2663rps -45.0% test_static_file_forbidden
Ran 2 tests in 2.375s

The tests are passed let run it in web browser:
$ make run
Visit http://localhost:8080/
Alternatively you can run it using uwsgi
env/bin/easy_install uwsgi
make uwsgi