Debian testing comes with openldap (
slapd package) version 2.4.28. I noticed that ldap clients start receiving error and cannot contact ldap service any more. While the slapd daemon was running I found a number of errors in syslog (file
... ldap1 slapd[4894]: SASL [conn=1611] Failure: GSSAPI
Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may
provide more information (Too many open files)
... ldap1 slapd[4894]: warning: cannot open
/etc/hosts.allow: Too many open files
... ldap1 slapd[4894]: warning: cannot open
/etc/hosts.deny: Too many open files
... ldap1 slapd[4894]: SASL [conn=1611] Failure: GSSAPI
Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may
provide more information (Too many open files)
Take a look at
slapd process max open files soft limit:
cat /proc/`pidof slapd`/limits
Check number of files open by slapd process:
pidof slapd | xargs lsof -a -p | wc -l
The slapd process must not exceed max open files soft limit. Take a look at files opened by slapd process:
pidof slapd | xargs lsof -a -p | tail
Here is a sample output that shows there are a number of deleted files... actually one file
slapd 4894 openldap 117u REG 0,197 3371 705975
/var/tmp/ldap_103 (deleted)
slapd 4894 openldap 118u REG 0,197 3371 705975
/var/tmp/ldap_103 (deleted)
slapd 4894 openldap 119u REG 0,197 3371 705975
/var/tmp/ldap_103 (deleted)
There is definitely a bug in slapd that cause max open files limit exceed.
Recycle Process
We can write a script that does a check and restart daemon if it reaches certain limit (file
if [ `pidof slapd | xargs lsof -a -p | wc -l` -gt 512 ]
/etc/init.d/slapd restart
Let cron run this script hourly:
ln -s /usr/local/sbin/slapd-restart \
If slapd process exceed max open files soft limit too quickly consider schedule cron job more frequently.
Mount /var/tmp in tmpfs
slapd process creates small files in
/var/tmp quite quickly I found reasonable to mount it with
tmpfs (file
tmpfs /var/tmp tmpfs noatime,nodev,noexec,nosuid,size=1M 0 0
Restart slapd daemon so changes take place:
/etc/init.d/slapd stop
rm /var/tmp/ldap_103
mount /var/tmp
/etc/init.d/slapd start
df -h | grep /var/tmp
Ensure the
/var/tmp mounted:
tmpfs 1.0M 4.0K 1020K 1% /var/tmp
Regularly take a look a
/var/log/syslog if there are any errors reported.
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