While working with different versions of python you deal with libraries that comes with source code and doesn't provide a compiled python egg file.
Method1: Offline
Here is a script that develops eggs
per python version you have installed for all packages found in
lib directory (you must create that directory at the same place where the script below and drop downloaded source distribution archives in).
rm -rf eggs
mkdir eggs
for p in /usr/local/bin/python?.?
echo -n $p
rm -rf env/
virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=$p -q env > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo -n .
env/bin/easy_install -i lib -U -O2 -z distribute > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
for f in lib/*
echo -n .
env/bin/easy_install -i lib -O2 -z $f > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
cp env/lib/python*.*/site-packages/*.egg eggs/ 2>/dev/null
echo done
rm -rf env/
rm -f eggs/setuptools* eggs/distribute*
Run script with:
./sh make_eggs.sh
Python eggs are now in
eggs directory.
Method2: Online
In this case the script relies on internet connection and downloads sources right from pypi.
rm -rf eggs
mkdir eggs
for p in /usr/local/bin/python?.?
echo -n $p
rm -rf env/
virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=$p -q env > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo -n .
env/bin/easy_install -U -O2 -z distribute > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
for f in $@
echo -n .
env/bin/easy_install -O2 -z $f > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
cp env/lib/python*.*/site-packages/*.egg eggs/ 2>/dev/null
echo done
rm -rf env/
rm -f eggs/setuptools* eggs/distribute*
Run script by passing packages you want to build:
./sh make_eggs.sh pycrypto lxml
Python eggs are now in
eggs directory.
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