Thursday, July 9, 2020

Authorization in Microservices Landscape


This article outlines a high-level design of authentication and authorization options in Azure per a typical SPA use case interacting with multiple microservices. Compares API gateway pattern versus a direct client-to-API communication in microservices environment.

Use Case

A user should be able to request the following information:
  1. User profile via Azure Graph API.
  2. User documents via SharePoint Online API.
  3. Aggregated data from two other internal systems.
            +-> | Azure Graph API      |
            |   +----------------------+
+---------+ |   +----------------------+
| browser |-+-> | Azure SharePoint API |
+---------+ |   +----------------------+
            |   +----------------------+     +--------+
            +-> | App API              |---> | API #1 |
                +----------------------+     +--------+
  +---------------------------+       |      +--------+
  |Microsoft Identity Platform|       +----> | API #2 |
  +---------------------------+              +--------+